I am delighted to announce the release of my new album: 'Faith, Hope, and Love.'
I decided to create a compilation album of songs drawn from 8 previous albums that speak of looking forward with faith, hope and love.
So much of our media is composed of bad news, news that at times makes one feel hopeless and full of despair.
I am very proud of this new album and the new recording of 'Amazing Grace', which I performed with Greg Hunt.
'Faith, Hope, and Love is available on a heart-shaped wooden USB, ready for use on your computer or in your car.
If you're ready to purchase the album, 'Faith, Hope, and Love' is just a click away. Simply email me at mariaforde1@gmail.com or click the link https://maria-forde-soul-song.square.site/s/shop
I hope that you enjoy album no 11: 'Faith Hope and Love'
Maria Forde